Mind Awake body asleep!

Sleep paralysis : As your state of relaxation deepens, you will reach the hypnagogic state. This means your body is literally asleep while your mind is still awake. On your way to this state, your body should gradually feel heavier until the sensation of it will begin to disappear. You may experience sleep paralysis. This is a natural function of the body that prevents it from acting out dream activity while you sleep every night. It is safe and necessary to allow the paralysis to take hold.
Your senses will go equally numb and loose clarity. Hearing and vision will dim, touch will becomes less sharp. Imagery akin to dreaming may occur in your mind’s eyes – allow it to happen but try not to get involved with it as you may enter the dream state (which is not the same thing as the out of body state).
Reducing your magnetic pull : As you reach this part of the process, you should be thinking as little as possible. Too much mental energy will keep you tied to the body. You know how thinking can keep you awake when you try to go to sleep at night? It has the same effect here. We’re trying to remain lucid and conscious but not awake in the conventional sense of the term. The body needs to be sleeping.
Buzzing noises : As they get close to the point where separation occurs, many people (if not most) report buzzing sounds. This is completely normal and should not be interpreted as something negative. The buzzing can get quite intense, according to some, but I have never experienced buzzing to that extent. This may be because the transition out of the body usually occurs too quickly for the buzzing to intensify in my case.