
When you no longer feel your physical body and your sensation of yourself seems to be more energetic than physical, it is time to project the consciousness outside of the body.
A word about exit techniques : There are countless exit techniques that can be used. Personally, I feel this aspect to be of lesser importance. When I reach this point, it just seems obvious what I need to do. After a few times, we learn how to manipulate energy and initiate inner actions that project us away from the physical body intuitively. It may well take a few times to learn this through trial and error but it’s all part of the process.
Exit techniques, if felt necessary, could be simply trying to roll out of your body, pulling yourself up on a rope or any other action that would have you move away from the body. This needs to be done when your awareness of your energetic body is strong, otherwise you will just end up moving your physical body and break your trance state.
There really is nothing more to it than that. What is more challenging is getting to this point where you feel your energetic body more so than your physical one and remaining in the out of body state once you initially project.
The moment of separation : …is typically quite amazing! It may feel like your whole self shivers or vibrates intensely. It is startling and beginners often react by disengaging themselves from the process. Then we need to try again… but hey, we learn from it and no harm is done. For me, when I project, it often feels like a vacuum is sucking me out of my body. It is a rather exciting sensation. Then I find myself floating around and ready to explore.